We are Justiça Global. A Brazilian non-governmental organization that works to protect and promote human rights and to strengthen civil society and democracy, in order to build a society that fully guarantees social, political, and civil rights, and that is free of racism, sexism, and any other form of discrimination.

Thus, the pillars of action that accompany Justiça Global’s institutional mission since its foundation are the commitment to social movements and social struggles, attention to the specificities of distinct groups and territories, and litigation and advocacy work in international human rights protection bodies.

We know that the violations of rights are the symptom of a profoundly unequal society. Therefore, we are always looking for ways to create a better reality for all people, ensuring that voices are heard, and rights guaranteed. Transforming local struggles into global paths.

Justiça Global was established in 1999 by a group of researchers, lawyers, and human rights defenders. Since the foundation, our work has been based on a series of activities such as reporting complaints of human rights violations perpetrated by institutions; advocating for public policies in conjunction with the civil society; research, communication, and training, in addition to networking and, especially, litigation in international human rights protection bodies, such as the Inter-American Court and the UN Human Rights Council (in which we have had consultative status since 2019).

  • 1999

    Justiça Global is founded.

  • 2000

    Arrangements for the mission of UN Special Rapporteur on torture, Nigel Rodley.

  • 2002

    Launching of the report “On the Front Line: Human Rights Defenders in Brazil – 1997-2001”, one of the first diagnoses of the risk and vulnerability to which human rights defenders are exposed in the country.

  • 2003

    Arrangements for the mission of Asma Jahangir, Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, and publication of the report “Summary Executions in Brazil (1997-2003)”.

  • 2004

    Justiça Global receives the National Human Rights Award in the Human Rights Defenders Category from the Brazilian government.

  • 2005

    Publication of the Report “Violation of Human Rights in the Amazon: Conflict and Violence on the Pará Border.”

  • 2006

    The Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns Brazil for the violent death of Damião Ximenes Lopes.

  • 2007

    Arrangements for the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Philip Alston, to Brazil.

  • 2009

    • Sandra Carvalho, one of Justiça Global’s cofounders, receives the Annual Human Rights Award from Human Rights First (HRF), in recognition of her work fighting police violence in Brazil.
    • Organization of the I ENPOSP – People’s Meeting for Life and a Better Model for Public Security, held in Salvador, Bahia.

  • 2010

    Justiça Global participates in the foundation of the International Articulation of People Affected by Vale.

  • 2013

    Organization of the 1st People’s Meeting on Public Security and Human Rights in Rio de Janeiro.

  • 2014

    Justiça Global celebrates its 15th anniversary. Creation of the “Maria do Espírito Santo Silva Tribute — For the Appreciation of Female Human Rights Defenders ”.

  • 2017

    • Justiça Global receives the João Canuto Human Rights Award granted by the Movimento Humanos Direitos (MhuD).
    • Inter-American Court requests a hearing so that the Brazilian State answers for serious violations in the system of deprivation of liberty and in its policy of mass incarceration.

  • 2018

    • Arrangements for the visit to monitor and evaluate the human rights situation in the country carried out by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).
    • The Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns Brazil for human rights violations against the Xucuru Indigenous People.

  • 2019

    JG obtains special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), one of the main forms for civil society to access the UN system.

  • 2020

    • The Inter-American Court condemns Brazil for the deaths in the Fireworks Factory in the Recôncavo Baiano area. The tragedy occurred in December 1998 and left 64 people dead.
    • STF injunction suspends police operations in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro under ADPF 635, in which Justiça Global acts as amicus curiae.

Our strategies

We act on several fronts in a concerted manner to enhance the impact of our work and guarantee full rights for all people.


We follow up emblematic cases and prepare thematic or regional reports, through the collection of information, data production and systematization, field research (on-site visits), and direct interviews with victims of human rights violations, in order to disseminate knowledge and subsidize the monitoring work, the complaints, and public debates and policies on structural human rights issues.


We put together seminars, debates, exchanges, and courses on our working topics, as well as workshops on integral protection strategies for human rights defenders and on the access to international mechanisms for the protection of human rights. In addition, we produce educational and mobilization materials to disseminate, expand and strengthen knowledge about the rights of peoples, communities, social groups, and territories.


We operate in the Inter-American Human Rights System of the Organization of American States (OAS) and in the human rights protection mechanisms of the United Nations (UN) seeking accountability, reparation, and justice, through the submission and follow-up of petitions for cases and complaints, requests for precautionary measures, participation in hearings and thematic committees, preparation of amicus curiae briefs, submission and monitoring of reports for special procedures, as well as advising on visits by special rapporteurs to Brazil.


We produce publicity and mobilization material in different languages about the institution's action topics. We also offer subsidies to the press with suggestions for the agenda, information, debates, and analyses, in order to make conflicts, subjects, and resistances visible, to amplify complaints and to dispute narratives. We also collaborate with the communication of social movements and networks we are part of.


We monitor public policies and government actions (from the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches) to fortify a democratic state infrastructure, by preparing recommendations and carrying out actions to increase both social participation and the observation of human rights in decision-making, in addition to participating in collegiate spaces, such as the National Human Rights Council.


We believe it is essential to strengthen social movements and work together with local, national, and international organizations so that civil society participation is stronger and more efficient. Therefore, we participate in several networks and build spaces and materials in strategic partnerships with civil society. We are also committed to making our channels available for mobilization around emergencies that affect people and groups whose rights have been violated.

Awards and honors

  • Tribute to the Human Rights Defenders of the State of Rio de Janeiro (State Law no. 9,322/21) - 2023

    The Human Rights Center of Nova Iguaçu and PPDDH RJ – Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Social Communicators and Environmentalists in Rio de Janeiro
  • Marielle Franco Human Rights Award - 2022

    Granted by the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro
  • João Canuto Award - 2017

    Granted by the Movimento Humanos Direitos
  • 1st José Dutra Da Costa (Dezinho) Award - 2014

    Granted by the Union of Rural Workers of Rondon do Pará
  • Motion of Commendation for the Work in the Defense of Human Rights - 2014

    Granted by Rio de Janeiro’s Municipal Chamber
  • “A Árvore que Dá Bons Frutos” (“The Tree That Bears Good Fruits”) Tribute - 2007

    Granted by the Union of Rural Workers of Rondon do Pará
  • Human Rights Award of the Federative Republic of Brazil - 2004

    Granted by the Federal Government, in the Protection of Human Rights Defenders category
  • Commendation for the Report "The Situation of Human Rights Defenders in Brazil" - 2002

    Granted by Curitiba’s Municipal Chamber
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