Eleven people who put their lives at risk and are criminalized for defending fundamental rights. This is the “football team” that “Front Line: Human Rights Defenders” Campaign supports. The Campaign willl be launched next Tuesday June 10th, at 10am in a press conference and from 6pm on in cultural activity, in São Paulo (details below). The goal of Justiça Global, Terra de Direitos and Front Line Defenders, organizations that promote the initiative, is to raise public awareness about the systematic violations of rights in the country of football.
On the one hand, Brazil is a signatory of several human rights international treaties and conventions, but on the other that doesn’t correspond to the harsh reality of threats suffered by those fighting for political, social, economic, cultural and environmental rights in the country. Instead of being recognized for promoting advances in democracy and have their fight guaranteed by Brazilian State, human rights defenders are persecuted and criminalized by companies and the State itself.
Who are they? Get to know the cases.
The campaign addresses eleven cases of human righs defenders, recovering the political struggle that permeates their lives and that of their communities. Originated from different parts of the country, these human rights defenders have confronting trajectories in different thematic areas. Recent violations related to mega-events in the country are reported and experienced by Vitor Lira, from Rio de Janeiro. The “Mother of May” Débora Silva, from São Paulo, recalls the strenght and the fight of police violence victims in Brazilian cities’ urban peripheries. LGBTT’s difficulties and confrontations come to light through the life of Indianara Siqueira, from Rio de Janeiro, and Márcio Marins, from Paraná.
In its turn, Tupinambá people activism in search for the recognition of their indigenous identity and its territory is narrated based on the history of the Cacique Babau, Bahia. The quilombola community resistance in the struggle for respect to territory and African heritage are represented in the cases of Rosivaldo Correia, Pará, and Rosemeire Santos Silva, Bahia. From Mato Grosso do Sul comes the fight of Guarani-kaiowá indigenous people for the demarcation of their territories, represented in the figure of Cacique Ladio Veron. The damage to the traditional livelihoods of fishermen and riverside population echo in the stories of João do Cumbe, Ceará. On the
hand, land conflicts and rights violations systematically experienced in the field are expressed in the reports of Laísa Santos Sampaio and Osvalinda Pereira, both from Pará.
Press Conference with human rights defenders Cacique Babau, Débora Silva, Rosemeire Santos Silva, Cacique Ládio Veron, Márcio Marins and Indianara Siqueira.
When: Tuesday, 10th June, at 10am
Where: Av. Paulista 575 – 19º andar (Conectas Conference Room)
From 6pm on, there will be a live chat with human rights defenders as well as photo exhibition and videos produced by Midia
Ninja recounting the human rights defenders’s lives. There will also be a show of Curumim, as well as other cultural activities. The activities will take place in Jongo Reverendo Cultural Center.
When: Tuesday, 10th de June, from 6pm on
Where: Rua Inácio Pereira da Rocha, 170 – Vila Madalena (Centro Cultural Jongo Reverendo)